cbinstitute pipelineSTIMULY 2018

In 2018 the CBI became a partner in the project:

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic No. 2018/14631:8-26C0 regarding approval of provided support for development and research in order to support the base research „Research of new systems for local use, containing specific bacteriophages as high specialized antibody in the sphere of diagnosis and therapy of autonomic diseases „ » in the branch 030499 (Other related branches of biotechnology in health service).

EU grant 2011

In 2011 CBI applied two forms for EU grant support as project partner:

IMI-JU-2011 with Comenius University in Bratislava, University Medical Center Groningen and Universität Mϋnster- “Molecular aspects of drug-induced heart failure and ventrcular arrythmias”

FP7-KBBE-2012-6 with Adexgo Ipari, University of Bologna, Universiteit Ghent, Campden BRI, Experimetria, SIK, Cadmos, Soya-Progres “Develop feeds and feed ingredients from food waste of dairy and plant origin”