cbinstitute pipelineWe are proud to present our product pipeline. It is a testament to the dedication, inspiration and hard work of our scientists, as they strive to create meaningful therapeutic advancements for patients.

        There is a social requirement of new antibacterial substances and knowledge that                  bacteriophage therapy can work in practice. This requires the business entities                      as our company to get engaged in the next research of products which are based on              bacteriophage therapy.
The findings motivate us to use the knowledge in immunology and together with our biomedical research and carrier research partners to explore new possibilities in diagnosis and therapy.
Within our application newly or improved methods of producing bacteriophage-based pharmaceutical products can be developed. With the company help it can be more efficient and commercially more attractive.

Our research and development in accordance with the document of Commission of European Government ( A8-0046/2016 ) which states: There are methods, which can be used as the alternative to antibiotics, and the using of bacteriophages can be one of them.

Costing on this research and development the method would be negligible compared to the asset, which could mean for patients and systems of medical treatment and in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.

  • Our previous experimental study of cardiovascular disease has been driven by many technological and methodological advances available from the research of European, Canadian and USA pharmacological laboratories.

This has resulted in a remarkable expansion in original data about pharmacological treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Our research is supported by methods which utilize relevant subject models of diseases such as the spontaneously hypertensive rat, stroke-prone hypertensive rat, aortal banding rats ApoE-/- knockout mice, high cholesterol diet mice, hypertriglyceridemia rat. We have a highly qualified group of scientists which systematically study data from molecular proteins, RNA, DNA, and small molecules, using the tools and newly- formed databases associated with the field of genomics to isolate tissue physiology and generate whole animal studies